In keeping with our aim to 'empower passionate young leaders', the Be Well Retreats will place emphasis on our future leader's holistic health. The Be Well Retreats will focus primarily on promoting the mental and emotional needs of our young people.
This initiative is open to all students, regardless of whether the student has been inducted into Future Leaders Bermuda via our flagship Summer Programme or not. It is our hope that we may captivate the minds of our young people, and that they may thrive mentally and intellectually.
This initiative will have three separate retreats:
Retreat 1: July 19th - July 21st 2024
Retreat 2: September 27th - 29th 2024
Retreat 3: November 8th - 10th 2024

By the end of each retreat, students should be able to:
Exhibit a heightened level of awareness for their own emotional wellbeing;
Feel empowered to navigate life's challenges as well as paving the way for other young people to emulate;
Understand the significance of one's emotional and overall wellbeing as well as understanding how to manage the impact of external pressures while maintaining focus on holistic health.